St. Paul Lutheran LCMS
Julesburg, CO
The Pathlight
Your word is a lamp to my feet and
A light to my path
Ps 119:105
March 30,2025
Zion Lutheran LCMS
Big Springs, NE
03242025 Vol.6 Issue 18
Divine Patience
[Jesus said,] “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Luke 13:5 (Luke 13:1-9)
“Hurry up and wait.” That’s what a 10-year-old Holly felt when she helped me plant a 4’ Maple tree on the west side of the parsonage 24 years ago. She asked what kind of tree it was, and I told her that it was like the tree her and Alyssa climbed in back in Kansas. “Oh”, she said, “will we be able to climb in it next year?”….. Twenty-four years later, her son climbed in that tree.
That’s often the case in this world. You scramble to get something done on time, and then it’s weeks before you see the results. Something is asked of you and the clock seems to move so fast and when you ask for something it seems like the clock has turned to molasses. You hurry up, and then you wait.
That seems to be the case in these words from Jesus. First, He insists that your repentance is needed right away! Repent, Jesus says, before a tower falls on you (Siloam) or an evil dictator (Herod) puts you to death for no good reason. Don’t put it off, repent of your sin!
Then, Jesus turns around and tells a parable that seems to have a completely different point. Instead of “repent before you die,” Jesus talks about a patient vinedresser who tells the farm owner to be patient with the unproductive fruit tree before having the tree chopped down. “Let me do my thing and come back in a year.” Right after the call to “hurry up and repent,” Jesus now talks about waiting.
It’s REALLY important to look at this two-part teaching. And guess what? First, Jesus starts with the Law. “Repent before it’s too late!” Those words are spoken to make us VERY uncomfortable about our sin. If you think that everything is okay and that you have life under control, look at the law and your life and then repent of your sin. Then the second part of this reading shows the Gospel. Now that you have been crushed by your guilt and sin, hear that the Lord is merciful and patient, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will be patient for a time to let His Word work in people, including you and me.
If you are afraid that you aren’t a good enough Christian to ever see heaven or if you wonder if God will condemn you on the basis of the long list of your sins, remember the vinedresser who begs for more time before chopping down the fig tree. Your Savior Jesus is patient with you, delivering His Word to you so that you will bear the fruit of faith in His work for you….. and then you will not be cut down to perish, but have everlasting life.
Pastor Christensen
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Cor.13:12
Happy 100th Birthday to Harry Reichert !
Harry will celebrate his 100th Birthday on April 1st. Cards and blessings may be sent to Harry at 545 6 St. Chappell, NE 69129
Happy 100th Birthday Maxine Mauser
Maxine Mauser will be 100 on April 2nd.
Please send birthday cards to:
Maxine Mauser
Sedgwick County Nursing Home
900 Cedar St
Julesburg CO 80737
We asked the Lord Blessings on Harry and Maxine.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels not demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height not depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38, 39
Fourth Sunday in Lent - Matins pg. 219
Divine forgiveness is incomparable. God’s justifiable anger for sinful rebellion is assuaged. Prodigal sons are given, embraced, and fed. The church continually recalls this same liturgical - sequence -Confession, Absolution, and Eucharist feast. Our restoration as God’s people is complete by God’s decree and action. The old has passed away and the new has come. As a forgiven people, we resound in shouts and songs of unsurpassed joy! Thank the Lord and sings His Praise!
Divine Service Matins pg.219
OPENING HYMN # 915 “Today Your Mercy Calls Us”
OLD TESTAMENT - Isaiah 12:1-6
EPISTLE: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
HOLY GOSPEL: Luke 15:11-32
HYMN “#420 “Christ, the Life of All the Living”
TE DEUM pg.223
KYRIE pg 227
HYMN #686 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
USHERS / GREETERS – Gerald Orth /Les Ebke
ORGANIST –Gail Nicolaus
March 30 -8:00 Sunday School
9:00 Worship Service
April 2 – 4:30 Midweek
6:00 Lenten Supper - Randy, Susie ,Murl, Judy
7:00 Lenten Service - Midweek IV
The Toyne Family wants to express our appreciation for the prayers, visits,
phone calls, texts, plants, food, memorial gifts, and cards during the last 16 months as Glenn, Dooley, and Jason passed to their immortal home. Thanks to Pastor Christensen and our church family for the support of the Toyne family. Your expressions of kindness and thoughtfulness meant so much to all of us. In gratitude, Kris, David, Jan, Jennifer, and Flynt Wherever God places us, he places us with purpose
4/ 01 Harry Reichert, Haley Pitzer
4/02 Maxine Mauser
4/04 Jeff Larsen
4/06 Shelle Heidemann
4/10 Lori Hensley
4/16 Buck Ryden
4/17 Leonard Lanckriet
4/24 Kim Lanckriet, Susan Renquist
4/27 Al Kasten
4/29 – Brody Lantz
Created by God’s Design – Faithfully and Wonderfully Made
Happy Anniversary
Jules and Jeanette Hoschouser
Jeff and Susan Larsen
4/19 /1999
Gerald and Cheryl Priest
Michael and Nicole Weitz
Forrest and Marlee Sanabria
God’s Blessings to the couple who have join as one.